Last week, Huawei announced its own new chipset for mid-range devices namely the Kirin 620 SoC. Eventhough, not being the top of the line chipset the CPU offers a pretty good 64bit architecture with nearly eight cores clocked at 1.2GHz. This is a 28nm chip that is based on the Cortex A53 having an LPDDR3 RAM support. The chip offers a plenty of connectivity options like TD-SCDMA, GSM, WCDMA, LTE FDD, TD-LTE and even supports Cat 4 LTE for 150Mbps speeds range. The chip has a Mali 450 MP4 GPU and the camera support includes for a 13MP sensor with a facility of video encoding and decoding upto 1080p resolution at 30Hz.
The performance comparison for the chipset competes to that of Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 410. Both the chipsets have a 64-bit architecture with a clock at 1.2GHz, however Kirin 620 takes the edge over with its 8 core CPU. However, we think that there would not be a much noticeable difference between the two. The inclusion of the Mali 450 GPU in the long run can prove to be a drawback, but it seems that for the time being Huawei would not face much hurdles for this. We would be waiting to see a Huawei smartphone with the Kirin 620 chipset being released soon in the market.
Chinese giant Huawei announces it octa-core Kirin 620 chipset
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