It seems chip making giant Qualcomm is all set to raise the processing bar further. The upcoming Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 is already in talks and is highly speculated as the next chipset to be seen in most of the flagship Android smartphones to be released in 2015. However, few days back there were rumors floating in the industry that the company is facing out some problems with new chipset, but Qualcomm has assured that everything is on track and the chipset would be released in the first half of 2015 as per the schedule. The good thing is that the company has went out announcing that this new chip would support LTE speed networks such as the Cat 9 LTE offering some peak download speeds of 450Mbps. This is higher than the current 300Mbps speed offered by the existing Snapdragon 805.
The maximum upload speed remains as to 50Mbps which has been consistent since that Cat 3 LTE. We could probably see an higher upload speed of 100Mbps in LTE Cat 10 for which we need to wait for some more longer period. The upcoming Snapdragon 810 will utilize three 20MHz carriers simultaneously through carrier aggregation that will help it achieve the maximum download speeds of 450Mbps. According to Qualcomm, they have already tested “multiple commercial network and test equipment companies, as well as an over-the-air demonstration in a commercial network environment” and have arrived with satisfactory results. This would be the first chipset from Qualcomm to have feature Cat. 9 LTE.
Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 SoC to support speeds up to 450 Mbps for LTE
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