19 Mart 2015 Perşembe

Hatsune Miku – The Making of the Future Virtual Pop Star

Hatsune Miku is one of Japan’s latest phenomenons. She is basically an animated pop star which can be thought as a representation of digital music technology, crowdsourcing and creative collaboration. In technical terms, she is a vocal synthesizer program called Vocaloid which is developed by Japanese software company named Crypton Future Media.

Anyone can buy Vocaloid and use it to create songs. Therefore, Miku is not the only animated pop star out there. There are many others but Miku is the most popular among all. Every live performance that Miku has done is created by global community member. Until now, there are tens of thousands of songs featuring her voice which is uploaded since 2007, the year when Miku was launched.

There are a few factors which push for Miku’s popularity. One of them is the improvement on the voice synthesis technology which already creating quite a buzz among music producers back in 2007. On top of that, there are a lot of video sharing services which considered as a place where users able to show their creation of music and video to the whole world.

Miku has also been chosen as the opening act for Lady Gaga’s tour which is great way to introduce her to the audience outside Japan. It also fit well with the Lady Gaga crowd. What makes Miku special is that the voice that was picked for her is very unique. The listeners can easily recognize her voice among thousands of voices.


Hatsune Miku – The Making of the Future Virtual Pop Star

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