9 Ekim 2014 Perşembe

InfinAdeck-Treadmill which lets you walk in any direction

It is about time when we change the way that we use treadmill to exercise. The current treadmill can only move in one direction. However, there is a prototype of a treadmill which can move in different directions. It is called Infinadeck.

Infinadeck is a treadmill which has tank-like treads at the bottom of the device where you stand on it. Each of this tank-like treads is covered in a moving belt which when used in tandem can give the user the ability to change any direction that the user wants. It can be found at one of the corner of the Silicon Valley Virtual Reality Expo.

The prototype is not yet ready but it has apparently caught the attention of CBS, it is a possible prop for filming on green-screen sets. Currently the prototype still requires an active operator to change direction and it is also quite loud.

Infinadeck said that it is trying to get a secure funding to make some more improvement on it, such as to make it more compact with motion sensors which will automate the process. Well, we cannot wait for it to happen!

*All picture courtesy of engadget

InfinAdeck-Treadmill which lets you walk in any direction

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